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Thanks Alex. This is a really thought provoking substack. Appreciate you sharing it. It echos many of my own thoughts and musings. The social engineering is a key part of dehumanising us, isolating us from our own true selves and our place as spiritual beings. It’s about taking us away from our divinity and of course the divine and keeping us some sort of fear based, stale and “safe” or secure place that’s sanitised. I see a lot of mainstream music, art, TV, politics and popular culture as key to all of that and it reflects a kind of sanitised world with limited creativity, human expression and opinion. Music is manufactured. News is manufactured. TV is manufactured. We’ll tell you what music you will like and it’s all you’ll hear “everywhere”. Any real diamond musicians have no platform and now with Spotify they can’t make a living anymore. We’ll tell you what to think via news. Don’t think for yourself. In fact, you don’t even need to vote because we can cleverly predict the outcome !!! We’re now in predictive mode because we’re telling you who to vote for and you are buying it…so why bother with elections…oh and sometimes they might be rigged anyway…and even if you vote for the other person…we own them too! I’ve gone off your point here which was more about the essence of humanity, our connection to the divine and the all powerful corporate-governmental-scientific empirical takeover. But I think it’s all part of the programming - confuse, divide, programme, repeat and conquor.

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