Many in the U.K. are obsessed with the issue of group-based child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE) crimes carried out by Pakistani men in the United Kingdom. I believe that this is part of a wider narrative shift where after decades of oppressing the majority with minority views in the name of multiculturalism, the System has just flipped the script and is now encouraging the majority to harass certain minorities. As we discussed with MiRi AF, this pendulum swing1 is engineered to avoid a reasonable middle ground where citizens can reject multiculturalism by demanding adherence to majority views in the public sphere, whilst not persecuting minority groups in the private sphere.
In the name of multiculturalism, the majority has been required to “celebrate” minority interests which the majority mostly don’t care about, or in some cases actively opposes. All of a sudden in mid-2024, the System decided to reverse this oppression. The clearest sign of this narrative reversal was when Piers Morgan, who had for years pushed the Black Lives Matter and systemic racism agendas, suddenly announced the death of identity politics in November 2024.
People foolishly tend to laugh off Piers Morgan’s antics, but Morgan is in my view an important Establishment bullhorn. Morgan aggressively pushed the Establishment agenda over COVID including on the need to severely punish those citizens who chose not to take the mRNA gene therapy products. He did a volte-face once the vaccination programme had largely run its course. In my view, Piers Morgan and similar approved talking heads don’t change their positions because the wind blows from a different direction, but because they are being paid to change the direction of the wind. This narrative flip allowed Trump, Farage, Musk and others to simply present themselves at the new anti-woke saviours in 2024, providing a problem-reaction-solution sequence. As I hinted in my last note, I suspect that largely the same oligarchs manufactured both the problem and the corresponding “solution”.
Reform UK and Elon Musk are now “bravely” leading the charge in focusing on a small sub-set of overall crime in order to vilify selected minorities with a myopic focus on Pakistani related group-based CSAE. Reform UK leadership are the people who delivered on the Establishment agenda during COVID by enthusiastically supporting forced vaccination. Many people are happy to cheer in support of Reform’s newly found “bravery” and insist that we forget their support for COVID tyranny 2020-2022. In the divisive social media mud slinging, Reform UK leadership ignores the fact that the Establishment created all of the conditions required to facilitate group-based child sexual exploitation.
Getting a handle on how big overall the Pakistani rape gang problem is can be somewhat difficult due to the vast number of categories of crimes. Of course for the individual victims of these horrendous crimes their scars are life changing, here I am trying to understand aggregate numbers without downplaying the seriousness of the individual offenses.
The big picture is there are a depressingly large number of CSAE crimes, for 2023 there were 115,489 crimes in total of which 78,078 involved contact. Within that total, group-based crimes that were with contact were 4,228, which is less than 3.7% of the total2. The Reform UK charlatans are focusing only on the issue of whether the Pakistani share of these group-based crimes was greater than their weight in the overall population at around 2.7% in a 59.6 million person population for England & Wales. Some simple maths would tell you that if instead of 2.7% (population share) of 3.7% of total CSAE crimes becomes say even 6% (Pakistani share) of 3.7% you won’t move the needle on overall CSAE crimes (less than 0.1% increase in total). Compare that to the fact that total CSAE have quadrupled over the past ten years, an increase of 86,000 CSAE crimes. Although it is important to try and reduce all CSAE crimes to zero, focusing on this one small subset of high profile crimes won’t move the needle.
A recent National Police Chief’s Council report shows that the share of Asians in suspects of group-based offending was 7% in 2022, which is below the Asian share in the population of England & Wales of 9.25%3. There is an argument to say that this outcome has been generated by the fact that multiculturalism has meant that crimes involving minority groups are not properly investigated and not feeding through in to suspect numbers. That seems probable and is reflected in the fact that older studies put the share of Asians in group-based CSAE as high as 50% in 2013, but this number was significantly effected by the very small and non-random sample size of only 52 groups4.
The most important thing about crime rates, is that for the vast majority of ALL racial groups, people suspected of committing these offences are the tiniest possible minority. Looking at more reliable data on prison populations, provocateurs will focus on a higher incarceration rate for Muslims (0.41%) versus the overall population (0.15%) instead of focusing on the fact that the vast majority of people are not in prison and have no truck with those that are in prison.
The Political Class normalises rape
At the same time as the Political Class pretends that group-based CSAE is an existential problem, the media are pushing out endless stories about online porn performers Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips. There is enormous coverage about these two individuals, the sample below is just a few days of January 2025 mainstream media coverage for Bonnie Blue. Social media is similarly plastered with stories about her and Lily Phillips.
The coverage is generally positive and crows about Bonnie Blue’s ability to earn a literal fortune from gang-banging 1,000 men in 24 hours and states that her mother bizarrely supported her in this grotesque endeavour. In a recent picture, Bonnie Blue is surrounded by hooded men, the vast majority of whom are non-white. This story and accompanying image will no doubt encourage males to assume that slutty white girls want casual sex. Also press reports suggest that Bonnie Blue has made £ 3 million, which may also encourage some women to join in these grotesque arrangements for a slice of the action.
I suspect the normalisation of this escapade and positive spin of this reporting will lead to a lot more sexual violence in the U.K. and elsewhere and will dwarf the impact from an over-weighting of Pakistani men in the subcategory of group-based CSAE. If people want to wave pitch forks at someone, then wave it at the media executives normalising the voluntary gang-banging of white girls.
Westminster planted the seeds
As I covered in previous posts, the “Progressive” agenda which has been pursued by most of the Westminster Establishment since the late 1960s is a de facto attack on Christian ethics. This has created the conditions which would be conducive to increasing rape, such as;
1. Stomach turning Home Office reports from as far back as 1979 calling for the lenient treatment for people having sex with children5.
2. Disincentivising marriage so that more than 50% of children born in England and Wales are now being born outside marriage and therefore lacking a stable family structure.
3. The State has relentlessly pushed easy sex and abortions, which are now running at 250,000 per year, 98% of which are funded by the State.
4. The State has failed to stop a cumulative 150,000 illegal immigrants arriving by boat, most of these immigrants are young, and probably angry, men.
No reasonable person could imagine that yet another inquiry will achieve anything meaningful given the outcome of all previous inquires. The best any new inquiry could come up with is the creation of yet another bureaucratic agency and more guidelines. If Reform UK wanted to do something instead of calling for another dead-end inquiry they could push for simple measures like i) making sure that every police force reiterates that crime should be prosecuted without fear or favour and without any weight given to multicultural considerations ii) that mass media stops praising the voluntary gang-banging of white girls for money and clicks iii) the State finally starts protecting the U.K. Channel (this Reform UK has done) and iv) sentencing guidelines are significantly increased for most forms of child sex abuse.
Even those steps are sticking plasters and in my March 2024 Substack article called “Give us some solutions” I set out some much more difficult solutions which revolve around a multi-decade effort to re-establish Christian morality which progressive Westminster has purposely destroyed6.
The way forward
I don’t believe that Reform UK’s calls for more inquiries and more crime statistics will generate positive outcomes, although there will be some benefit in showing police forces that the vast majority of people oppose the idea that diversity considerations should play any role in the prosecution of crime. The furore that Reform UK leadership is being allowed to create is however radically increasing racial tensions within the U.K. especially against 3.9 million Muslims. This is being done whilst studiously ignoring the real roots of these problems which are in Westminster. Reform UK’s antics will help the parasite class with classic divide and conquer agitation of the population and distract from Reform UK leadership’s support for COVID tyranny.
As individuals we should recognise the signs of an organised PsyOp, especially after reading about the applied psychology used in the COVID debacle. In this case, using the heinous, stomach turning nature of the crimes to provoke outrage which prevents rational thinking (Emotional Manipulation), repetition by heavily amplified accounts like Elon Musk (Uniform Messaging), creating inter racial tensions (Tribal Division), ignoring the Westminster policies which have facilitated these problems (Framing Techniques). There is a surprisingly useful PsyOp checklist from Chase Hughes who claims to be a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer, I scored the myopic focus on Pakistani grooming gangs and came out with a score implying “overwhelming signs of a PSYOPS”. The link is hard to use and only works in exchange for an e-mail address7.
We should recognise that the way to stop these heinous crimes is to re-establish a Christian ethic which doesn’t support casual sex and supports family formation, meaning that protective fathers are present. This will be a decades long process that “progressive” Westminster will oppose and will instead prefer to offer sticking plaster procedural solutions which will make little difference.
Let me have your thoughts below in this complicated and emotive topic and please don’t forget to circulate our material and support our work. Please also take the time to convert to paid subscription and/or fund us via Patreon (
Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial COVID model8, he is a founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (
This is a thought-provoking article. I agree with your observations on the cynical divide-and-rule tactics being deployed. Your quantitative analysis misses a couple of important points, though:
First, these grooming gang crimes were not just committed by individuals or small cliques of scoundrels. This systematic and routine grooming and abuse of White, Christian girls occurred in plain view of the perpetrators' families and communities. The rapists were so assured of their community's complicity that they just called all their mates, cousins, brothers, uncles etc. to get a piece of the action. I don't know about you, but if I had a little girl tied up in my bedroom and called my friends and family to help me rape her, I would have the police kicking in my door. I have not heard of a single case where somebody in the Pakistani/Muslim community (other than a single social services employee) picked up a phone to save the girls. Thus, these crimes are owned by at least large sections of entire Pakistani communities in a number of British towns. This is collective guilt as the sum of individuals' sins of omission or commission. Your low-percentage figures of actual perpetrators are therefore highly misleading.
Second, if gangs of White/Christian men had been grooming and raping brown/Muslim girls over decades, with the backing of their local W/C communities, and whilst being shielded by the authorities and media, I think that most decent W/C, including your subscribers, would have publicly expressed outrage at these crimes committed by members of our community. There would be demonstrations by us to demand the harshest punishment for the perpetrators. Our desire for justice would override our (non-existing) tribalism. Not so with the Muslim/Pakistani communities. I do not recall having seen Muslim/Pakistani communities having condemn their own in public and in the strongest tones. Tribalism triumphs. Instead, their spokespeople present their communities as the victims of 'racism', 'bigotry' and whatever.
Thanks Alex great piece highlighting this topic and clarifying its emotional distraction, how the subject has been framed and thus the more real issues such as the bite of austerity, pouring taxpayer money and resources into proxy wars and the avoidance of the overarching dilemmas - why aren't the super rich being taxed and why is Britain a failing state - are never discussed by those in power