Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Thinking Coalition

Good article and an appropriate perspective of the event. The event itself, is not that important. The West as a whole is in a nose dive and destined to destroy itself in an age of absolute decadence where weapons paid for by taxpayers reign down on the heads of children...just not our children. Far away wars are much more palatable when they don't affect your Amazon Prime deliveries or your Friday night fish and chips.

I suspect we all can see the West is falling when those who lead us are octogenarian politicians or Trilateral Commission / Bilderberg / Davos fan boys who claim a political mandate on a very sketchy vote count, so this latest Trump episode is merely another addition to what has become a rather turgid story of societal decline.

I'm more inclined to agree with the assessment made by MiriAF. Trump has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and media refer to the event taking place on a 'stage'. I suspect what people witnessed was a well choreographed event, but I struggle with is the 'cui bono'. Trump will likely benefit with a rise in popularity but who else. Is the goal to have Trump elected and bring about civil war in the US, or to widen the ever-increasing gap between politicians and the electorate ensuring that when they push the OWG, the public cant get to their representatives or perhaps to further demonize Trump in suggesting he staged it himself? Many more questions arise and any hypotheses could be correct.

What did strike me as interesting though in considering this event as a False Flag was that it brought to mind a podcast I had watched featuring Ole Dammegard where it is mentioned that 'shoes' play a significant symbolic role in staged events......& Trump is heard several times asking for his shoes.


All the worlds a stage

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Jul 15Liked by Thinking Coalition

Does Trump take his shoes off to give a speech?

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Jul 16Liked by Thinking Coalition

Apparently, he was knocked out of his shoes when the 'security agents' shoved him to the floor.

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Jul 16Liked by Thinking Coalition

The counter-sniper team didn't look very diverse to me.

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The biosecurity state has been steadily building up for a century or more and its primary weapon has always been the use of the snake oil injections known as 'vaccines'. I now believe that Operation Warp Speed mRNA did more damage to this project than any other single factor.

It's resulted in widespread global distrust in vaccinology to the point that the entire concept of a biosecurity state is simply no longer possible. Not in our lifetimes at least. Everything we've witnessed in the last 3-4 years has been an attempt to recover from that setback in particular by the likes of Malone, Weinstein and the rest of the false dissident freak show.

I find it hard to believe that anyone directly involved with the operation at the highest levels wouldn't have been aware of this outcome. It seems more likely to me now that this was a planned counter operation by a competing cabal. For that reason alone I genuinely feel the truly most influential people behind the Trump phenomenon are indeed secretly working for us.

Things are obviously bad right now but nowhere near as bad as it could've been were it not for that one particular project. It never made any sense at the time but now all makes perfect sense looking back.

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