Together with colleagues (UKMFA and HART) we’ve spent a lot of time on the issue of the forced vaccination of U.K. care home workers via legislation passed in July 2021. The Act forced around 465,000 to 570,000 care home workers to take an mRNA gene therapy product in order to retain their employment. We contacted all 319 Ms who supported this grotesque legislation and created a document trail pointing to possible malfeasance1. In this note, I want to show how corporate/oligarch interests have captured representative democracy and illustrate the need to remind some elected representatives of whom they are supposed to represent.
Few people know about the consultation process that took place around April 2021 in the run up to the July 2021 care home vaccination vote. The process generated irrefutable evidence that Theatre Royal Westminster will represent corporate interests whilst ignoring the voice of the People. This example also shows that the “don’t engage” approach was wrong in this instance and would have created an own goal. Thankfully a number of people went the extra mile, put their views in writing and at least gave tyranny pause.
We jointly wrote to all 319 MPs setting out why their vote was both unethical and unscientific and provided detailed references showing that it was known at the time of voting that mRNA “vaccine” did not come close to preventing infection (PCR positive) and that mRNA “vaccine” caused terrible adverse events.
The background to consultation
As we know from the minutes of the March 2020 meeting of the Independent Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B)2, the State chose to manufacture fear in order to increase compliance. The State went into a massive propaganda drive and key oligarchs and Great Reset authors (Gates, Soros, Schwab) sowed the seeds of panic with wild exaggerations about COVID’s fatality. I wrote up this sequence of events in The Great Lockdown Swindle, which didn’t get the subscriber love it deserved and is worth reading3.
This was the backdrop to the April 2021 consultation and July 2021 voting.
The first massive problem with the consultation process was that it took place at all and how in the world the State even thought it had the right to make informed consent subject to a questionnaire and/or its own determination. The U.K. State does not seem to recognise any limits to its coercive powers.
The other stunning feature of the consultation is that corporate responses seem to rank pari-passu with the responses of the people. This consultation was particularly fascinating as it broke responses down into eight categories and we can see which group triumphed.
The breakdown of voting by groups of respondents shows that only one group supported this grotesque legislation outright, the corporate care home providers at 76%. I have reproduced and simplified the main results of voting by group (please note there are some details about rounding etc. which I haven’t set out here, interested readers can see the original data in the link4).
Even when wrongly adding corporate responses together with responses from individuals, in total 57% of all respondents opposed the vaccination proposal. Counting only the three groups representing actual people (workforce, public and user) the level of opposition was 62%. In theory that should have killed the proposed legislation stone dead, but of course this consultation (like others) was intended to move to its pre-determined conclusion. Parliament however ignored the People and sided with the corporates in the care home provider group. No particular reason was given, they just ignored the 77% figure and regurgitated the “safe and effective” lie. Apparently the giraffe can see further (the catch phrase of a Soviet dissident song).
On the positive side, the majority of the population rejected mandatory vaccination despite the unethical use off applied psychology and the multi-billion pound fear campaigns.
The enthusiasm for mass vaccination outcomes was likely hatched a decade, or more before 2020 and was at least publicly announced by Bill Gates in 2010.
The Theatre Royal Westminster voting pattern is also now becoming familiar with the Bill passing, but only by a narrow margin to give the illusion of a real tussle. In this case the vote came out at 319 votes for (ayes) versus 246 votes against (noes), with the Labour party opposing the legislation even though they were the ultimate COVID totalitarians. Call me cynical, but the vote seemed contrived, with a few honourable Conservatives breaking ranks and the DUP again doing the right thing and opposing.
When we contacted MPs we got only a few responses, some were good (Danny Kruger MP) and one was particularly awful. The awful response came from “honourable member” Rob Roberts who around this time was subject to multiple complaints for making unwanted sexual advances on both male and female staffers for which he was eventually suspended for 6 weeks5. His instant response to our letter (below) was an electronic middle finger.
Tentative conclusions and ongoing opposition
One initial conclusion is that we should thank the many thousands who did oppose this grotesque legislation via the consultation, even though the vote went through.
In terms of what we do next, I have scaled back my initial aspirations for a hoped for “awakening” given that many people are now dependent on the State and/or tangled up in the daily news cycle and controlled opposition charades. A Finnish style partisan approach appears more realistic, and we continue to form ad hoc working groups to respond to various pieces of ongoing tyranny. This work is time consuming and low profile and therefore doesn’t attract much interest but ultimately is one of the only ways to try and give tyranny pause.
Another route is the creation of parallel systems to opt out of the Great Reset digital prisons. The dystopian 2016 WEF essay that launched “you will own nothing and be happy” envisages exactly that; “those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. ”6 I am optimistic that there will always be workarounds, even if slightly inconvenient.
There won’t be many quick wins in opposing tyranny since the process is ongoing, this reality was brilliantly summarised by John Philpot Curran in 1790.
We are continuing to assess our activities as eternal vigilance is not possible without income. Team Great Reset has enormous financial resources to steer society in a way that capitalises their Big Tech assets and furthers their anti-human worldview. We will produce a funding proposal in the near future to set up an NGO-type structure to counter oligarch/corporate lobbying and State overreach. If subscribers are aware of any well-to-do libertarians who may be interested in funding our initiative then please contact me at
In the meantime, let’s stay out of the 15 minute city!
Let me have your thoughts below and please don’t forget to circulate our material and support our work, I hope you appreciate that it requires a lot of analysis to presents important facts which are not to be found in the mainstream media, or in the bulk of the controlled alternative media. If more people don’t take the time to convert to paid subscription and/or fund us via Patreon ( then we will need to wind down this initiative.
Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial COVID model7, he is a founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (
I look forward to workarounds.
Thanks for the work you do and plan to do in the future. It's great to see someone who wants a practical plan out of this.