Very interesting. Good investigative work. Trump could be more dangerous than Harris as a lot of ppl are under his spell so he could get away with a lot early before ppl twig.

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Don Trumpo! Excellent! 😀 I too was taken in first time round by him up until the Covid psyop. I have many friends who still can’t see (or won’t admit) that these guys (democrats and republicans) are all in the same club (answers on a postcard as to the best description of said club!) and it’s becoming ever more clear that politics in the US (and elsewhere) is now one big Hollywood production. It’s tiring wading through lie after lie but I do believe that we’ll get to the light at the end of the tunnel and perhaps sooner than we think Alex.

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I have no confidence in Trumpo - he's bought and paid by the Israel lobby and look what they are doing in the Middle East! If only people would vote for real candidates such as Aaron Day or Dr Shiva in the US, they know who's running the world, but for that reason they will never get elected.

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Just like the ease in which we ended up with the current treacherous shower here, old Don’s victory was far too easy to be credible.

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These products are lipid nanoparticle based gene transfections. By calling them COVID mRNA shots or 'vaccines' you're playing right back into their game of medical obfuscation. A gene transfection performed on an unwitting participant is a highly criminal act and this plain fact gets continually swept under the carpet as if it's routine.

It would hep enormously if you would plainly state the established facts here instead or just reusing their word games. The way out is by way of cold hard truth and I don't see any attempt at pointing out the exit that any one of us could walk through at any time armed with the best and verifiably correct information.

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