I think the decline in Christianity may be overstated. Many people have been disillusioned be the churches’ wokery and failure to provide spiritual guidance. A lot of people I know have adopted Christianity but, for the reasons stated above, do not necessarily attend church.

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I think the decline of Christianity and it's consequences cannot be overstated.

More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn


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Many, including myself, would answer "no religion" despite believing in God, a Christ-based morality and worshipping in our own way. There's a big difference between not believing in religion and not believing in God. Religion is a human interpretation of the Bible, how to worship God and how to be in the world. Some of us prefer to go directly to the source and remain free from dogma and misinterpretation.

So I would say it's Christ-based morality that's been one key to the western world thriving, not Christianity the organized religion. Over millenia, religion itself has been fraught with issues that have led many to say they can no longer believe in God. Including recently, in taking money from gov't and closing their doors during Covid when their members needed them, as well as promoting vaccination.

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Most of the problem goes right back to the beginning and there was no point of return after 312AD. Most people within the Institution were not Jesus accepting people, they just went along because they had to. It became a state institution and not real Christianity. The Remnant is small, but they are there, God makes sure of that. The problem today for the Church is they have let the world in with all the pagan and occult systems. The big churches you see today, I bet most of those people are not real Christians. IMO

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IMO you know very little about the History of the Church.

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Like You said YOUR OPINION. No, I did not study the Catholic church history, I studied the REAL church history, pretty sparce materials, but they are there, the true Remnant, always has been always will be, like it or not.

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A welcome and timely post.

Thelema reminds me of the hedge fund Theleme, a major investor in Moderna. Our previous PM was reportedly a founding partner.

Both are apparently named after the Abbaye de Thélème in Rabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruel.

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Love Bob! Thank you! From the other side of the pond (Maine in the US). ❤️

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A welcome article Alex. This is a spiritual war we are in. Many Bible believing Christians think we are in the last days (see one and two Timothy) and that we are heading for what Jesus forecast in Matthew 24. Personally I don't see a return from this declension, but God will still be at work through His genuine people, i.e. until the time of the gentiles (non-Jews) is fulfilled.

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Thank Alex, unexpectedly I also find myself in a similar position, seeing Christianity in a new light. Happy Christmas.

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One of the most disturbing things of recent times was to see Christian churches - even Reformed churches with a glorious history of resisting government overreach - rush to comply with the profound deception of the Covid tyranny. Churches everywhere need to repent of this blithe compliance where the word of man apparently carried more sway than the Word of God.

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Alex, here's your hero Jefferey Sachs promoting communism at the vatican.


What is exactly going on then with you and this unashamed hater of individual liberty and by extension christian attitudes? Is this some sort of weird smokescreen operation you're working on here because it's really not that difficult to see right through it.

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Beavis and Butthead do "Touch a Mountain"

(to inspire Jeran).


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Why do so many "Christian" churches and school actively participate in these phony "mass shooting" drills and media psyops? We recall the Nashville "Covenant School" drill, the Sutherland Springs "church shooting", the Charleston "church shooting" ("Dylan Storm Roof").

Christians have been totally prostituted by million dollar grants from DHS to stage "Integrated Capstone Events". The churches and schools are doing it for the money.

Remember this: For minors or juveniles to get on camera an appear on "TV News" requires permission (legally signed) by the parents. Christian parents.


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This is how Christians show their "duping delight" as they get on camera and lie their asses off about LARPing "active shooter" drills and media psyops.

They do it for the money and because their Christian pastors tell them to do it.


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This is how Christian parents teach their children to "bear false witness" and openly violate the 9th Commandment. Do they do it for the money?

Or because their Christian pastors and congregations instruct them to LIE?


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Hi Lynn, You are generalizing, have you been in every Christian home and see this first hand for yourself, or are you just stirring the pot? You know what they say about people who know everything.

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I'm generalizing in order to make a point about ALL generalizations deployed against ALL religions, cults, political parties, etc.

Obviously authentic Christians would honor the 9th Commandment.

But the vast majority of self-identifying "Christians" are perfectly content to see it violated egregiously, on a continuous basis, by their courts, judges, police, schools and even their churches.

Any church (or synagogue or mosque or private "academy") that becomes dependent on this Federal money has sold out the truth and dishonored God's commandments.

The personal is political. The "political" is personal.

These "Christians" worship Mammon. Then smile and laugh about it.


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