With Christmas around the corner, I thought I would try and squeeze in a quick post about Christianity. As you may know, I am a big fan of Sir John Glubb’s 1976 essay called the Fate of Empires which charts a 250 year trajectory for a “typical” empire. The end state, he calls the Age of Decadence, which is characterised, inter alia, by i) high levels of immigration ii) high dependency on the state and iii) a loss of religious faith.
If I had to choose some key metrics which characterise U.K. (and increasingly the U.S.) in 2024, I would include those exact metrics.
The decline in Christianity in the West is a well known phenomenon and manifests itself not only in falling numbers of people identifying as Christians in surveys, but also unfortunately in the established church’s willingness to abandon, or revise Biblical teachings in favour of the current zeitgeist.
Just for fun, I quickly compared a few societal indicators for England and Wales against the level of Christianity in England and Wales as measured by the census responses of 2001, 2011 and 2021. I didn’t cherry pick the indicators, although I had noted that they all demonstrated a clear trend.
I rebased the indicators to 100 at 2001, but otherwise did not make any changes. The trend appears to be clear in this short twenty year time period. Factors that we would generally consider to be bad all increased at the same time as Christianity declined in England and Wales (dark blue line). We can argue about correlation versus causation, but I am going to state the fact that families were more cohesive and people were healthier at a time when they had greater faith in Christianity. I might try and expand the data back in time and add more indicators, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll end up with roughly the same conclusion when looking at the past 50 years.
Although I am aware of H.L. Mencken’s important warning that "For every complex problem there is a solution which is clear, simple and wrong”, I can’t help but feel that the loss of Christian faith has come at a significant cost.
It seems clear that liberalism has gone well beyond its reasonable limits and at its extreme has slipped into an occult belief system. For example the occult belief system Thelema was developed by the occultist/satanist Aleister Crowley and is based on a single maxim “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”. The modern version of Liberalism is already encouraging increasingly bizarre behaviour, whilst angrily insisting that the majority of people must condone this behaviour in the name of inclusion.
In my discussions with Rev. Dr. Boot he introduces the idea that the vacuum left by Christianity will not be filled by rational secular thought, but by what he describes as neo-paganism1. In addition to the hedonistic ideas of Crowley you have new quasi-religions, such as;
· Gaia worship in the green movement.
· The worship of The ScienceTM.
· Worship of the State.
Pope Benedict XVI provides a similar warning with respect to the growth of Islam in Europe as Christianity declines in his short book Without Roots.
It seems that many people in my peer group are waking up to the idea that Christianity may be a lot more important than we gave it credit for. Our wide ranging interview with Bob Moran is a great example where I asked him why he put a Christian cross in his cartoon “Be everything they don’t want you to be” which depicts an idyllic self-sufficient family, living in the countryside with many children.
I have heard a similar story from several peers.
The Christian “package” is made up of much more than words in the Bible and also includes quiet reflection, inspiring church music, awe inspiring architecture and physical communication. Most importantly Christian teaching is and was the underpinning to many shared values in the West. Those shared values have been under attack by the progressive movement, spearheaded by the Westminster political class, for some years and it is probably high time to provide meaningful resistance. This also means ignoring the smear campaigns aimed at opponents of progressive insanity who are characterised as being bigoted and intolerant. I myself dabbled in humanism many years ago and am only now beginning to understand the error of my ways!
I hope that you find time to watch the full interview with Bob Moran over the Christmas period as it is really packed full of fascinating reflections.
As I have pointed out in various other notes, Sir John Glubb’s recipe for an empire’s recovery from the malaise of the Age of Decadence is indeed to rediscover religion “After, perhaps, several generations (or even centuries) of suffering, the impoverished nation has been purged of its selfishness and its love of money, religion regains its sway and a new era sets in.”
Merry Christmas.
Let me have your thoughts below and please don’t forget to circulate our material and support our work, I hope you appreciate that it requires a lot of analysis to presents important facts which are not to be found in the mainstream media, or in the bulk of the controlled alternative media. If more people don’t take the time to convert to paid subscription and/or fund us via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/c/ThinkingSlow) then we must close down, which would be a loss for all of us.
Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial COVID model2, he is a founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (www.thinkingcoalition.com)
I think the decline in Christianity may be overstated. Many people have been disillusioned be the churches’ wokery and failure to provide spiritual guidance. A lot of people I know have adopted Christianity but, for the reasons stated above, do not necessarily attend church.
I think the decline of Christianity and it's consequences cannot be overstated.
More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn