A short video clip from an interview between Tucker Carlson and Piers Morgan is doing the rounds on social media at the moment, in the clip Piers Morgan makes a half-baked non-apology for his tyrannical COVID behaviour. In response to this clip, a lot of people are popping champagne corks to celebrate Piers Morgan’s apparent repentance and are keen to bring him inside the growing tent. I view these people in the same way that I view the Trojans who decided that a nice wooden horse would make a wonderful new city attraction.
This short conversation is a bizarre inversion of the truth, firstly the idea that Piers cared so much about granny that he decided it was OK to call for the removal of medical treatment from the unvaccinated is preposterous. This “ends justify the means” thinking is the rationale provided by every psychopath in history and yet Tucker says nothing. Piers isn’t really offering an apology; he is saying that he was misled by unidentified people in lab coats. An apology would have involved an unqualified acknowledgement of the harms he caused due to his own laziness, or stupidity or (more likely) his willingness to push The Agenda for money.
The claim that Piers was informed that vaccine prevents transmission is demonstrably false. As much as I dislike Big Pharma, I have to acknowledge that it was clear in 2020 that the vaccine trials did not actually consider transmission. This was made abundantly clear by Peter Doshi’s seminal BMJ article in October 20201. This article is one of the most widely read pieces ever written in the BMJ and had clocked up over 1 million views by early 2021. The idea that an Establishment figure sitting in a division of one of the world’s largest media companies (Murdoch’s News Corp.) was completely unaware of these facts is for the birds in my opinion. Even as a fall-back position, it is obvious that he should have known about the vaccine trial limitations and would have had access to near limitless research resources with which to investigate. In fact, all that was required to find out about the vaccine trial limitations was an internet connection and a minimal interest in the truth.
In addition, official U.K. data on the incidence of COVID in the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated was already showing a high incidence of COVID in the vaccinated right from the beginning of the vaccination programme. Big Pharma suggested 95% efficacy based on a positive PCR test outcome, but real-world data showed this was a false promise and observed efficacy began to rapidly collapse to zero.
The “journalist” Tucker Carlson doesn’t challenge Piers Morgan in any way, he doesn’t point out that Piers Morgan was prepared to deny unvaccinated access to healthcare, nor the fact that it was known that transmission did not form part of the vaccine trials. Instead, he opts for a back-slapping laugh between bros. and confirmation that next time things will be better (incidentally the Tucker gag about the vaccine making people infertile happens to be true (see 2)).
Depressingly, a large number of gullible people are only too happy to ignore these realities and consider their friend Piers absolved. Exactly this same script was played out in an interview between Piers Morgan and Konstantine Kisin (another plant, in my view). Again, Kisin accepted Morgan’s “I was misled” non-excuse without any challenge3.
It is also worth remembering that Piers Morgan pushes pretty well every Establishment agenda item, including climate alarmism, systemic racism, Black Lives Matter and the COVID tyranny. He pushes them until such times as these operations have reached their logical conclusion, at which point he denounces these positions. In fact, I believe that his privileged position at the heart of Establishment media (News Corp.) is precisely because he pushes the Agenda.
The amplification
This interview clip has been widely circulated on social media by a number of very high follower accounts like The Chief Nerd and The Vigilant Fox, both heavily boosted via interactions with Elon Musk. Again the message is that this non-apology apology is a “win” which is “better late than never” so embrace the reformed sinner, Piers. These accounts are interesting due to the mind-bending amount of Twitter traffic that they receive, much of which I believe is fake. The Chief Nerd tweet with this interview clip is already at 25 thousand likes and 5.7 thousand retweets and growing rapidly.
I first discussed this issue with James Delingpole way back in 2021, my estimate then was that the vast majority (80%) of traffic on Twitter appeared to be fake4. Under Musk’s ownership visibility into fake traffic has been drastically curtailed, but there is still just enough to see fake and/or inauthentic amplification of The Chief Nerd’s account. The Carlson-Morgan interview is being retweeted by inauthentic accounts with i) very high tweet volumes, near 100% of which are retweets ii) near zero net followers (followers – following) iii) no profiles and iv) long computer-generated alphanumeric usernames. Below is an example of one such account which retweeted the Carlson-Morgan interview clip.
Skinning the cat
Together, I think all of these signs point to an Establishment initiative comprising a completely biased interview together with enormous amounts of inauthentic traffic, making sure that everyone gets the message that Piers Morgan is absolved. I suspect that the Establishment invests this effort into Morgan so that he can continue to herd his audience into the next Establishment agenda item as his did over vaccine coercion, the benefits of lockdown, climate change, systemic racism in the U.K. and so forth. Presumably his services will be used for the next pysop which seems to be running along the lines that democracy is failing in the U.K. and we need a strong pair of authoritarian hands (Nigel Farage) to turn the ship around. That will probably require digital ID as the only way to protect our little angels from foreign rapists. Something along those lines is my best guess.
I set out in the previous note, how it was possible to avoid the incoming Great Reset tyranny via workarounds and possibly opt-out communities. I have been looking at another line of enquiry which is to establish personal liability for the state officials who imposed COVID tyranny via possible misfeasance or related claims. One case would be a response to Savid Javid’s incredible (as in not credible) claim that he was unaware of the yellow card system. I tentatively tested the waters and found close to zero interest in pursuing a more adversarial legal route. Absent that kind of initiative, I am not convinced that dissident will achieve too much.
The System of course keeps people in state of passivity via the “don’t vote” message, “leave it to Nigel” and fund hero “Andrew Bridgen” messaging. To my mind all of those ideas are misguided dead-ends designed to prevent people from rolling up their sleeves and contributing time to the multitude of real organisations like The Heritage Party, Alliance for Democracy and Freedom, UKMFA and others. If tyranny keeps advancing it won’t be due to the extreme competence of the predator class, but rather due to passivity and naivety of a number of U.K. citizens.
Watch this space.
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Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial COVID model5, he is a founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (www.thinkingcoalition.com)
Sadly I’ve come to the conclusion that both men are in the ‘club’..
Piers Morgan....a belligerent wind up merchant. With no real convictions of his own. A more considered appraisal to follow.