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Spot on. Excellent analysis and detail. It was one of the elements which frustrated many in the early stages. None of it made sense. In late 2020, over $3 trillion in wealth had been transferred from the 99% to the 1%, even MSM were reporting on this in some fashion. It was clear to many that an 'illness' that delivered an average age of death of 82 for males and 84 for females vs life expectancy in the UK of 78 for males and 82 for females is not a 'once in a lifetime pandemic.'. Effectively, according to the ONS, those who died from 'Convid' lived longer..... Remember when 'Save Granny' turned into sit Granny by an open window at winter for Christmas, The Govt didn't mind Granny dying of hypothermia but, god forbid, not convid. It was a scam....all of it.

What we witnessed in 2020 and continue to witness is a highly deliberate and successful (thus far) attempt to asset strip sovereign nation states and people...and with the cooperation of venal politicians, they continue to succeed, albeit with minority support.

The real problem is that 'Joe Blogs' down at the 'Dog & Duck' will rant about it over a pint to his mates but will still, for ease, generally comply with the diktats that are being written that will empower a local Govt to seize his property if they need it for social housing or deem him to be a danger. We are witnessing Marxism v2 slowly being installed across Wester democracies, all in the name of safety and 'protecting our democracy'

The only real way out of this mess is to stop supporting all mainstream parties, including Reform / Reclaim , stop hoping for a saviour. Politely challenge and question your local officials. The only real party out there at the moment is The Heritage Party..all the others..ALL of them, are batting for the globalists imo

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