Mar 11Liked by Thinking Coalition

Alex, great article. In a nutshell, divide & rule. This shouldn't prevent us from campaigning against big issues. Muslim issue is challenging. Some can align with anti 'progressive' agendas with muslims. However, we may distrust Islamic agenda of evangelism?

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I have had a similar view for some time, even pre 2020. When the poppy was considered a hate symbol in some media circles and flying a Union Jack could become a criminal offence, it kind of becomes clear that those in control of the Govt, & all its institutions, those who control the media, the NGO's, the charities and just about every single other significant commercial or NFP setup are singing from the same hymn sheet which subtly advocates for a type of Maoist year zero burning down of historical British values, culture, history and just about everything else that being British stands for. All this I knew pre 2020.

What I have learned post 2020 is how much these people despise the public. I realised that everything you see, hear or read on main stream media is controlled and carefully managed / staged. Everything. Every prominent activist is a controlled asset. Every institution has been hollowed out, and every 'new' diversity is promoted to radicalise people. How can teaching sexual touching to 5-year-olds not rile up a population? It's deliberate, and it's purpose to sow division and anger

I have also learned these same people would kill and cripple a population through medical tyranny, when they say it's to 'save lives', they mean the opposite. When they say it's about 'Freedom', 'Democracy', 'Education', Health', they mean the opposite. And they are achieving their aims, slowly but purposely, through the politics of division

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