Jul 18Liked by Thinking Coalition

Thank you for what I see as an accurate assessment albeit rather depressing. What disappointed me most about the election was how many of the Gen Z and younger Millennials I spoke to said they had voted Labour “to get the Tories out” I.e. they had bought the nonsense “vote for change” argument. I’m struggling to get them to see they’ve voted Fire over Frying Pan.

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Jul 19Liked by Thinking Coalition

Dear Alex, thank you so much for two really excellent, insightful and brilliant articles. I am now very depressingly coming round to understanding the theory about Reform being a Trojan horse…this has come about from your questioning of them but also my dealings with them, especially having learnt what I now believe, if I am correct? their plan to NOT democratise the party…I believe this is probably the main reason Ben Habib was ousted out of his position as deputy leader. Seeing the gut-wrenching and sickening making scenes of how ‘pally’ and ‘happy’ HMO are with Keir and the Labour front bench, it seems totally clear to me having observed Keir’s and The Labour party’s body language, behaviour and actions getting on for at least a year before The G.E.? that Labour’s succession was all pre-planned. I think Jeremy Hunt is an incredibly dangerous and nasty piece of work and is the equivalent of the role of Blair within the fake Conservative Party and should have crossed over to Labour, like most of his colleagues, years ago.

Without going on for too long, I do have a question and that is IF Reform are indeed an establishment charade, what is the end game of the centre-right/right in Parliament? I look forward to your and anyone else’s thoughts on the matter…

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I am not 100% sure what the endgame is, I think Reform was used somewhat opportunistically for the reasons I set out (prop-up turnout and wipe out real anti-establishment parties) - I think they will create a lot of racial tensions now that U.K. has taken in so many immigrants - part of divide and conquer?

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And more importantly, what can we all practically do about it?!

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N.B. I think it’s vital to start injecting any form of positivity and hope we can into the debate about how we can all play our part (however small) with practical suggestions, to begin to counter this enormous type of Socialism that has got its tentacles firmly implanted int The U.K.

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Don't bother aiming at the tentacles, always aim at the head. Once the head is gone all the tentacles will go limp.

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