Part of the Divide and Conquer strategy is precisely the highly effective policy of allowing mass immigration of unskilled Muslims into Western countries based historically on Christianity and Christian values. The pseudo-religions of DEI and multiculturalism embraced by the ruling elites are purely a smokescreen. However it is now too late for any opposition to succeed. We saw blatant election-rigging used in the USA several years ago and it will now almost certainly be a permanent feature in the former democracies of the Christian West. The dominant corporate-state alliances already in place have irresistable power at their disposal. Part of their objective is the eradication of Christianity, and they are well on the way already. In the UK and Europe, where easily-manipulated Muslims are being used to assist in the process. By permitting Islamic violence against the Christian population, including terror tactics such as the rape of young girls, the ruling elites are aiming to demoralise the opposition. Sadly, the Christian civilisation that was the glory of the West is effectively finished.

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Things will likely go in cycles - even if the cycles are very long (hundreds of years). I don't believe that Christian civilisation is finished, it is definitely at a low ebb though - see article 13th March 2024 = Give us some solutions - thanks Alex

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Don't disagree with anything you say but like most commentators you stop short of giving any positive hope. What is our strategic next action ? Is 'do nothing' really the best and only option?

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Definitely not, the article refers to two genuine champions of liberty (Heritage and ADF) who any reader can get involved in and/or fund and there is a much longer article called Give Us Some Solutions from 13th March 2024 - thanks Alex

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