Around Christmas time, British theatres stage pantomimes. One classic scene from the pantomime is when the dame asks the audience if they have seen a certain character. The character is lurking in the background and the audience excitedly shouts “he’s behind you”. The dame inevitably looks the wrong way and the audience shouts louder, more often than not the dame walks off stage having never spotted the character.
This has been the story of the online activities of many dissidents since 2020, throwing analysis at a largely impervious Twitter. One of the more important facts that I have been throwing is the reason that I believe Russia is at war with the Western political class1. That reason is not due to the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, nor even to the tragic events of Maidan 2014, but rather to the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky in 2003. Remarkably I can provide “receipts” to back up this seemingly bizarre claim.
The Western narrative that the Ukraine war started in February 2022 with an “unprovoked” Russian invasion has generally been rejected by thinking people. A lot of good work have been done showing the very many steps leading up to February 2022, starting all the way back in 1990 with James Baker’s undertaking that NATO would not move “one inch eastwards”. This backstory has even made it into various mainstream media outlets, thanks largely to Peter Hitchens.
No one though has focused on what I think is the single most significant step on the road to February 2022 and that was the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky in 2003. In 2002, Khodorkovsky was Russia’s richest man and was widely expected to become the next president. Since his wealth was based largely on his ownership of the listed company, Yukos, he was necessarily tied in with Anglo-American capital markets. In addition, Khodorkovsky and his business partner, Platon Lebed, were also appointed as advisors to the Carlyle Group2. Carlyle is a very well connected and large private equity operation based in Washington, an advisory role represents confirmation that you are a player in Washington.
The real “smoking gun” though is the fact that Khodorkovsky set up a U.K. foundation in 2002 immodestly called the “Future of Russia Foundation”. The trustees of the foundation included Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild. I remember falling off my chair when first digging this up, since it is rare to find a document trail conforming globalist connections like this. I was amazed that this was barely mentioned in any media outlets, even Russian.
The name of the foundation has since been changed to New Generation Europe, however the company number 04529663 has been retained3. Ostensibly, the foundation’s purpose was to facilitate “the advancement of the education of children and young people in Russia…”. Call me cynical, but I am much more inclined to believe that these gentlemen used their time together to discuss geopolitical manoeuvrings that served to increase their wealth and power.
Very shortly after these September 2002 appointments, Khodorkovsky openly challenged Putin at an oligarch roundtable meeting in February 20034. I suspect he only did this because he felt his roof (krisha) amongst the globalists was strong enough to protect him from Putin’s inevitable wrath. That was a poor calculation as Putin had him arrested, sorry, a completely unrelated tax investigation started in 2003. Mikhail Khodorkovsky was very publicly arrested in a dawn raid on his corporate jet in October 2003. Eventually, Khodorkovsky’s prize assets were sold off to State owned enterprises through some highly unusual (ahem) “auctions”. Having said that, the original tax evasion charges appeared to be entirely plausible.
The very strong link between Lord Jacob Rothschild and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was made even more apparent when it emerged that they had entered into a trust agreement whereby Khodorkovsky essentially transferred all of his assets to Lord Rothschild, who was entitled to a percentage of any subsequent recovery5. Remember that the market value of these assets was around USD 13.5 billion.
I don’t want to pretend that this falling out was exclusively driven by President Putin’s evangelical desire to see Russia remain as a free and independent Christian country. More likely, he was motivated by the desire not only to retain power but also to ensure that prize Russian assets were owned by Russian oligarchs, rather than Washington oligarchs. Like most conflicts this was primarily a dispute over power and money. Putin rejected the path of “Western democracy” which de facto meant Western ownership of Russian assets.
As the conflict has dragged on it has taken on the appearance of an existential clash between a conservative Russian worldview and a Western woke worldview. It is hard to say how much of that is a manufactured narrative, but certainly many in Russia are convinced that they are fighting against a deviant and dangerous Western elite (I agree with them on this point).
Further deterioration in U.S.-Russia relations were all then downstream of 2003, particularly Bush’s decision to push ahead with NATO expansion to Georgia and Ukraine in 2008. This has been framed as a terrible foreign policy “mistake”, but what if the Deep State simply hated Putin after he upset the apple cart in October 2003? That negative trajectory continued through to the Maidan killings in 2014 and continued all the way to February 2022.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky still has designs on re-entering Russian politics and produced a mafiosi-style video clip in March 20226, where he called for specific oligarchs to get off the fence, otherwise they would be his enemies. Also in our upside-down world of endless Russia hoaxes, no one seems to mind that Russian Mikhail Khodorkovsky is pushing money into important U.S. think tanks like the Atlantic Council (as is Ukrainian billionaire, Victor Pinchuk).
For me, the case that the conflict with Russia is real is compelling and it is tall order to claim collusion when the protagonists are in a very large-scale war. Crucially, Russia has been disconnected from SWIFT and the capital markets are now completely decoupled. I can’t image any Deep State psyop that would involve the large-scale loss of capital by insiders on both sides of the conflict. So my base case hypothesis is that Putin broke ranks with the globalists in 2003 and the war represents a genuine bifurcation of global power.
If people want to show there is cooperation between Putin and the globalists and that we are witnessing a PsyOp, they are going to need to do better than a picture of Putin shaking hands with Kissinger in 2001. Likewise showing that Russia is using technology isn’t really the showstopper that many seem to think, Russia will inevitably roll out more and more technology. Taking part in the coordinated COVID scam is a harder charge to answer and I have done my best in the analysis of Russia’s COVID response7.
I don’t know if the slower pace of a Substack essay will have more success in asking people to “look behind you” than manic tweeting, but time will tell!
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Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial COVID model8, he is a founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (
Yup, good article Alex. Q140: "What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?" Putin, Xi etc (ex-commies) must at some stage have had one heck of a wake-up call or come-to-God moment. Perhaps it was video footage of what Western Satanists do to children, or evidence of WW3 preparations. Who knows, but I do believe that 'Putin the giant' (as I think of him, a giant historical figure) is on the right/white side in this Biblical war against Satanic globalism.
"If people want to show there is cooperation between Putin and the globalists and that we are witnessing a PsyOp, they are going to need to do better than a picture of Putin shaking hands with Kissinger in 2001."
Not sure it's much better, but how about Klaus Schwab's boast that "even Putin" was a WEF Young Global Leader and the message implied by his mega-social-distancing 5 meter table separated one-to-one meetings during peak "Covid"? And wasn't the Russian Covid response less off-message than Sweden's?