An extract from an interview with Professor Jeffery Sachs is doing the rounds on social media, I suspect many people will likely see it, but just in case I decided to post it here too. Many will know that Professor Sachs (along with Professor Mearsheimer) appears to be Truthteller-in-Chief in Washington being one of the only serious people who tells the truth about U.S. foreign policy. As a result, he is a permanent dissident calling out the wasteful and blood-thirsty “foreign policies” pursued by the Deep State which have actually undermined the United States over the past three decades. In this clip he states some jaw dropping facts including that the U.S. has been fighting Netanyahu’s wars for him, an awful lot of evidence supports that conclusion.
This conclusion is the same as that in the paper that I posted on our website in 2023 and re-issued as a recent post on Gaza background1 “Here comes the next forever war”. My main point in that note was that Netanyahu’s 1986 book “Terrorism: How the West Can Win” morphed into the “War on Terror” 2001 and every adversary identified in the Netanyahu book was subsequently invaded, or regime changed by the United States military.
Unfortunately, Professor Sachs is being optimistic if he believes that President Trump will be America First, as the bulk of his $ 1 billion campaign funding came from Israel First donors. I expect that he will continue with the same “your enemies are my enemies” fudge rather that deciding what is best solely for American citizens, until such times as U.S. citizens refuse to fight these wars.
Another important paper was the 2006 paper by Professors Mearsheimer and Walt that detailed the extent of Israeli influence over U.S. policy setting2. It is telling that the U.S. media has never once seriously reported on that very important paper over the past 18 years, even though they are world-renowned foreign policy experts from Chicago and Harvard respectively.
Based on the data that I have from OpenSecrets the American Israel Public Affairs Commitee (AIPAC) spent USD 46 million on funding campaigns of both Democrat and Republican House and Senate candidates in 2023-2024. AIPAC has funded about 460 campaigns 2023-2024, for reference there are 100 senate seats and 435 voting seats in the House of Representatives. AIPAC itself is only one of a number of Israel lobbying operations, although it is by far the largest. This is in addition to the vast sums of money provided by Israel First donors to both the Trump and Harris presidential campaigns.
I say all of the above not to be antisemitic, but to point out important realities. If these realities were properly understood this might reduce the probability of an immediate war with Iran, even if only by a small degree. In fact, Israel’s ability to organise its lobbying in a way that it plays probably the decisive role in U.S. foreign affairs is something to be greatly admired. There were rules to the influence game and the Israel lobby won the game hands down! The wider challenge is to reduce the influence of big money in politics, regardless of where it comes from.
What is important is that several America First patriots have woken up to this reality and someone has created a simple app where you can type in a U.S. politician’s name and immediately generate a report that shows how much he, or she has received from AIPAC.
Regardless of who is funding this tool, I personally think that it is great that people educate themselves on this issue and ask their representatives to vote America First and to avoid being swayed by foreign influence. This could be one of those rare instances where the world of social media generates useful insights that the mainstream media has been burying for decades.
The situation is similar in the U.K. there also large numbers of MPs of both parties are members of friends of Israel organisations. There is nothing wrong with being a friend of Israel, everyone should be a friend of Israel provided that this doesn’t influence your position on a U.K. policy issue. Judging by the result of a large number of MPs unwillingness to vote for a non-binding Gaza ceasefire resolution in November 2023, I am afraid that this second test may have been breached. It was clear at the time that the vast majority of U.K. voters wanted to see a ceasefire3.
Watch out for the next video where I will show you all the areas of oligarch/corporate influence over U.S. politicians covering campaign funding (USD 2.6 billion), corporate lobbying (USD 4.2 billion annual) and funding for think tanks (USD 2 billion annual, estimate). With those kind of numbers it is no wonder that Washington acts mainly on behalf of oligarchs and corporate interests and against the interest of the citizenry, when necessary.
Stay free!
Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial COVID model4 he is a founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (
Does this really look like a "Truthteller-in-Chief in Washington being one of the only serious people who tells the truth about U.S. foreign policy" to you or is it maybe part of a coordinated plot to take down the United States?
I think it's the latter but please let us know what you think.