On 29th November 2024, the British parliament voted 330 to 275 to approve the State sanctioned murder (“SSM”) of old and ill people, sorry The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill1.
Given the fact that the people pushing this bill were also rabid mRNA vaccine pushers, I pretty well knew that that SSM would be bad news. However, given that it marks another dark step in Britian’s post-2020 history, I thought I would present some analysis. The short version is that I believe that the main purpose of this bill will be to significantly expand Murder Incorporated from abortions and into potentially huge numbers of “legal” murders of the elderly and seriously ill. This is easy to see from the trajectory of the U.K. abortion industry. Abortions were legalised in 1967 in the U.K. also under “exceptional circumstances” and with plenty of “safeguards”, fast forward to 2024 and they are now running at over 250,000 per year. The majority of these abortions go through a multi-million pound “private sector”, there is no reason to believe that SSM will be any different.
The issue at hand is that assisting someone with suicide is illegal in the U.K. under section 2(1) of the Suicide Act 1961. The introduction of SSM is supposed to allow two doctors, acting independently, to prescribe life ending drugs to a terminally ill patient.
It is foolish to look at any step that the State takes in isolation whilst ignoring the obvious trajectory. Unfortunately, many people seem to want to do exactly that and facilitate the State’s salami slice approach to every topic. This is even after the fiasco of the vaccine roll-out with its accompanying lies of “its strictly voluntary” and “its only for the elderly” etc. Looking at the bill in its narrowest sense it is not controversial, most people would agree that a terminally ill patient should be allowed to receive life-ending drugs from a doctor, however to ignore the inevitable dilution of safeguards is dishonest.
Let’s begin with the fact that this legislation is fixing a non-existent problem and so is almost certainly something being driven by vested interests, or the Deep State and not by the constituents. Elderly and unwell patients are regularly allowed to die, in some cases the National Health Service (NHS) can refuse to provide treatment based on an assessment of quality adjusted life years (QALY) gained from a procedure versus its risks and costs. At one point, there was a hard ceiling of £ 30,000 per QALY, that may have changed somewhat, but the principle remains2. This is morally a worse situation than helping a terminally ill patient to die.
We also know of the existence of “end of care” pathways, particularly the Liverpool Care Pathway which actually killed terminally ill patients through the over-prescription of painkillers and withdrawal of hydration3. In these situations there was never any discussion of liability under section 2(1), in fact more serious charges were possible. So why now?
Even when looking at “civilians” assisting in suicides, there have only been 4 successful prosecutions for section 2(1) breaches in the past 15 years. Almost all of the cases drawn up by the police were rejected by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) or withdrawn by the police themselves.
Can you honestly image that say a carer giving their dying relative too much morphine would ever be charged under section 2(1)?
So what problem is this extraordinarily expensive Parliament trying to solve, especially given all of the other problems out there? Legalising the killing of the elderly is something that the “elite” has tried twice in the recent past, once in 2014 (Lord Falconer, henchman to Tony Blair) and in a private members bill in 2015, which failed by 330 votes to 118.
This current version is also being introduced as a private members bill by Labour MP Kim Leadbeater. It is not possible to know what her motivation is, the most charitable interpretation would be that it comes from seeing a difficult case first hand. But I am not inclined to be charitable to a Parliament that approved lockdowns and mandatory vaccination. My interpretation is this is just another “liberal” agenda item which seeks to wreck any pre-existing order, perhaps also trying to garner a lot of publicity in the process?
Much of our existing order was built on Christian principles, so wrecking that is by implication anti-Christian. If you look at virtually all “progressive” agenda items, they are a negation of teachings in the Bible. The green agenda is a repudiation of Genesis, facilitation of divorce is an inversion of Biblical teaching, the trans agenda is an attack on the Biblical story of the creation of woman and so forth. This bill is no different in that it facilitates the rejection of the gift of life.
Another interpretation is that this bill will open the floodgates to a large State Sanctioned Murder (assisted dying) industry, this is exactly what happened in the abortion area. The legalisation of abortion took place in 1967, similarly driven by “liberal” politicians using reassuring phrases like “exceptional circumstances”. In the event, the bar was consistently lowered from 1967 onwards and we had a staggering 252,122 abortions in 2022 in England and Wales, does that sound like “exceptional circumstances”?
The real rub of the matter though is that the state is paying for the vast majority of these abortions, 98% are carried out by the NHS or funded by the NHS. The 80% of total abortions which are funded by the NHS are actually carried out by the “independent sector” dominated by two large players. The size of this “market” in 2018 was estimated at £ 55 million (I suspect this is too low)4. One of the players involved in U.K. abortions runs a range of birth prevention “services” internationally and earned more than £ 150 million from this activity in 2023 (more on this in a separate note.)
The creation of this death industry is being supported by a UK charity, Dignity in Dying, which paid for a series of posters in Westminster underground showing people (all white) happily dancing around at the idea of being euthanised.
I first discussed the Death Cult with the great Rev. Dr. Joe Boot in October 2020, he manages to handle this difficult subject with some humour.
We discussed his excellent book The Ruler of Kings and if you enjoyed the clip please take the time to watch the video on Rumble5.
On this particular bill, I don’t see that it addresses any real-world issues, but serves again to reaffirm that the State rejects the sanctity of human life and wishes to make it easier for private interests to run large scale killing operations with impunity.
Big picture and where next
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