Feb 22Liked by Thinking Coalition

This is a very thought provoking argument. I agree that I don’t think he is in a “pact” with the west and indeed Davos etc. not the public faces of the tyranny we have faced over the last 4 years. But…and this is where I think a pact does exist. I think he is controlled / managed by the same people who control the west and all its puppets. The connection is WAY higher up the tree to the elites who actually own, run and orchestrate things.

So is Putin in the same gang? Ultimately yes I think he is. The top of the tree is not found in Davos, at the UN/WHO, in Bill Gates, with Fauci, or any of the political leaders from any country or region (eg EU). The top of the tree is above that. Who are they? I don’t know for sure but they are likely to be found in and around the Knights of Malta, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300, Bilderburg, Bohemian Grove…but I suspect even these institutions are answerable to those very few actually in charge who are not even in those groups or seen/known to anyone (many).

But no, he does not have a pact with those lower down the chain such as Davos, Washington, Brussels and London.

As always, just my thoughts. Doesn’t make me right.

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Feb 20Liked by Thinking Coalition

Great article, Alex, and one that I welcome. I have struggled with Putin's position in all this as my default setting is from the MiriAF rule book of 'if you know the name, they're in the game' though, having said that, Putin's name is 'in the game' in so far as he is continuously portrayed as some sort of Hitleresque character whose intention is global dominance and the complete subjugation of the 'free people' people of Europe. I couldn't place where exactly he stood in all this, so the above is very welcome, and I have to concur. He is so despised by the totalitarian West and the global elites, Davos/WEF crowd that I suspect, even if he was 'In the game' at some stage, he is no longer

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Feb 22Liked by Thinking Coalition

I think that is all part of the game to be honest. He is the bogeyman and we know “nothing” about. Everything you’ve said could be true but that is also the picture we’re painted by the mainstream media. I am not an advocate of Putin - the opposite in fact. I do agree that we know his name and therefore he is 100% in the game. He is playing his part. He is not in a pact with the west but his controllers are those above them and him and they are unknown to us. But they (a very few people) own and run them all. The game further down the tree (what we see and experienced in all the never ending drama) is fuelled by vested interests, greed, money, power, fraud, bribes and blackmail and the “in-fighting” and I suspect by design from those above.

I wrote a comment below. I am not saying I am right but I think we have to look deeper and higher up when answering the question of “are they all on the same side?” The answer is yes they are but not in the way we think they are. Just my opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️

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We know lots of names, including yours now.

"If you know their name they're in the game" was coined by Miri.AF - what she was referring to was the way the MSM will give a lot of attention to "safe" people like Bridgen and others in the HEADLINES!!.. but steadfastly ignore Yeadon, World Council For Health etc. That is the context in which her name/game is to be used.

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Feb 20Liked by Thinking Coalition

Thanks for the analysis Alex...this has been a burning question for me for sometime.

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