Following on from my last note on State Sanctioned Murder (SSM), sorry assisted dying (AD), I am looking at the oligrach funding behind both AD in the U.K. and the abortion industry. The passage of Kim Leadbeater’s bill at the second reading by 330 to 275 votes was heralded as fine display of parliamentary wisdom. In actual fact the passage of this bill was the result of lies, emotional manipulation, lawfare and the influence of oligarch money. Let’s start with the funding. The primary source of funding for assisted dying lobbying in the U.K. is the Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust, which provided a cool £ 1.1 million to two U.K. organisations that lobby for AD, namely; Dignity in Dying (Dignity and Choice in Dying Limited) and Compassion in Dying Limited.
These two organisations acknowledge their affiliation and are in fact managed by the same person, Sarah Wooton, and registered at the same business address.
The Bernard Lewis (Pokrasse) family is worth an estimated USD 1.4 billion1, their primary source of wealth is the River Island fashion chain, Lewis’ original surname is Pokrasse which was changed to Lewis in 1933. The Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust provided a combined £ 1.1 million to Dignity in Dying (£700,000) and Compassion in Dying (£400,000) in 20232. A lot of confusion has been created by Compassion in Dying at they have only recorded a receipt of £ 200,000 from the Lewis Family and a further £ 100,000 from Church Street Trustees, which appears to be a Jersey based firm of trustees3 (see diagram at end). This is something of a detail since the main conclusion is that the billionaire Bernard Lewis (Pokrasse) family was likely the largest single backer of both death promoting companies. The Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust also fund a large number other activities including interestingly The Henry Jackson Society, a group of war mongering neocons, in my opinion.
Dignity in Dying is chaired by Rabbi Jonathan Romain, he is described as a “progressive” rabbi who does not believe that biblical teaching is unalterable and that “The Bible is not the literal word of God,….It therefore, has to constantly adapt according to new knowledge and new insights.” This progressive view allows him to take heretical positions in favour of legalising prostitution and supporting same sex marriage. One common theme between these “progressive” positions is that that they all serve to reduce the population and undermine the family unit.
The significant funding that is available to Dignity in Dying allowed them to spend a whopping £ 200,000 on Facebook adds in the past 90 days spanning the crucial parliamentary vote on 29th November 2024. In addition to Facebook, Dying in Dignity plastered Westminster tube station with the awful posters showing happy people making preparations for assisted dying. The posters would also have been tremendously expensive. Kim Leadbeater has also just disclosed that she received £ 1.5 thousand in Dying in Dignity for printing materials in support of her private members bills.
On the other side of this argument are some very small real grassroots organisations, including Care Not Killing (CNK). CNK is small and qualifies for micro-company accounts and will therefore only have access to a tiny fraction of the financial resources available to the AD promoters. Assisted dying is yet another area where the involvement of the uber-wealthy subverts true democracy.
Kim Leadbeater’s presentation of the bill was riddled with falsehoods. Firstly the main thrust involved emotional manipulation based on harrowing stories of people suffering at the end of life, those stories were terrible but is necessary to remember that this parliament has ignored tens of thousands of worse stories of mRNA vaccine injuries for years. The selective way in which empathy is expressed appears both cynical and manipulative. Likewise during the debate Leadbeater was caught misleading people into believing that the judiciary has somehow approved her scheme and she was forced to correct the record and state that “Although I have spoken to lawyers and judges, I should not have implied that the serving judiciary have in some way indicated their agreement with the Bill; they have not”.
A key deception is that the public wanted this legislation. This false impression is created through the selective use of survey findings. Of course if you ask someone if they support assisted dying for a patient at the end of the their life you get a positive response, but as soon as you add any meaningful context then it turns out what the public really wants is to have good palliative care available as a priority over any assisted dying legislation. A recent JL Partners4 survey showed 64% of respondents are in favour of palliative care over assisted dying legislation, equivalent to a ratio of 8:1 for those supporting palliative care (second table). Similarly, if you explained to people that it was highly likely that assisted dying would be massively expanded, they would be unlikely to support this legislation.
In addition to these dirty tricks the proponents of AD have resorted to lawfare in order to intimidate parts of the medical profession to support their position. The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) surveyed their membership in 2019 and found that the largest grouping said that they oppose a change in the law on assisted dying (47%) compared to 40% who supported this5.
Dying in Dignity and the Good Law Project (who else!) used a firm of sharp-elbowed solicitors to harass the RCGP into trying to change their stance to one of supporting a change in the law, despite the results of the membership survey. The “logic” presented is too insane to go into here, but this amounts to lawfare designed to overturn the clearly expressed view of the plurality.
Finally the biggest lie is the pretence that Leadbeater and the other MPs make that the safeguards involved will not be very quickly swept away and that vulnerable people will not soon be pressured into assisted dying. That has been the case in Canada. In fact, it is likely that the safeguard in the bill that requires the signature of a judge is completely unworkable in practice6, so doubtless it will be abandoned in the nearest future. The deceivers will look at their feet and mumble something about subsequent Parliaments, but based on precedent they know full well that they are opening the floodgates.
So this bill passed its second reading not by soaring intellectual debate, but by emotional manipulation and deceit, all helped by large doses of money from billionaire Bernard Lewis (Pokrasse).
The abortion industry
The situation in the abortion sector is similar but at a much, much bigger scale. It is too much material to shoehorn in here, but if there is sufficient enough interest in this article then I can publish my mind-blowing findings in a separate briefing. By way of introduction, one of the largest abortion providers, MSI Reproductive Choices Limited (previously Marie Stopes International Limited) has access to the best part of £ 150 million in grants from oligrach foundations and our own governments. The company is named after hard-core eugenicist Marie Stopes (1880-1958) who spoke favourably about forced sterilisation. MSI Reproductive Choices stated they allowed 94,000 people to “access abortion care” in the United Kingdom in 2023 (please read this sentence again, and register 94,000 abortions) and they boast that this represents a 26% annual growth rate7.
The diagram shows just two of the larger funders, Bill Gates (via the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) in 2024 and Sir Chris Hohn (via the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation).
I can write more on this and the mind-boggling lobbying activities to outlaw silent prayer anywhere near their facilities under The Public Order Act 2023, if there is interest.
Overall, my conclusion is that the uber-wealthy are willing to fund the death industry; abortion, sterilisation and euthanasia. Some people view their funding as philanthropy, I view it as malevolent money designed to subvert the democratic process (please see 8).
I discussed this subject with the great and engaging Rick Munn, the journalist with the best accent in alternative media!
My conclusion in this interview was that we are in a competition between malevolent and well-funded oligrach fronts versus stony-broke grass roots organisations (likely a near permanent state of affars). In a system where the politicians are venal and dishonest, money will for the moment make the world go round, but eventually I hope that grass-roots will win out9.
I conclude with a quote from the brilliant Sir John Glubb who wrote the Fate of Empires which charts a typical empire’s lifecycle over two hundred and fifty years. This is how he describes the recovery from the low point of the Age of Decadence:
“In this manner, at the height of vice and frivolity the seeds of religious revival are quietly sown. After, perhaps, several generations (or even centuries) of suffering, the impoverished nation has been purged of its selfishness and its love of money, religion regains its sway and a new era sets in”.
Let me have your thoughts below and please don’t forget to circulate our material and support our work, I hope you appreciate that it requires a lot of analysis to presents important facts which are not to be found in the mainstream media, or in the bulk of the controlled alternative media. If more people don’t take the time to convert to paid subscription and/or fund us via Patreon ( then we must close down, which would be a loss for all of us.
Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial COVID model10, he is a founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (
It’s all so incredibly sad and it’s hard not to feel powerless however we know how this ends, God wins 🙏
Interesting to see yet another tie in with the recent "mental health" hype (e.g. loads of ads and channel sponsorships on YT). I first began thinking about MH as some sort of trojan horse when I noticed who was pushing it. Heard a manager at work bring it up out of the blue in reaction to a conversation on the gender nonsense (suspect he is Common Purpose). Also being pushed by woke HR, and politicians who were happy to slaughter care-home residents. So I've already been expecting it as a way for the Enemy to taboo multiple subjects "in case you damage someone's mental health," as well as the obvious Soviet-style sectioning of dissidents (starting with "you've got a phobia"); but they're seeing it also a pretext for "mercy killing." No doubt a money spinner in the form of happy pills and another toilet to flush the public's money down. Is it the "and you'll be happy" part of their infamous boast?
Keep up the good work.