Dear friends, it was a great honour to get hold of Bob Moran of Bob’s Cartoons fame to talk about life, the universe and everything (quite literally). We went through Bob’s early days in the Telegraph when he realised that the news was not necessarily the news and was in fact carefully filtered. He seriously questioned his role in the media, when he understood that it wasn’t able, or willing to stop “the government going rogue”.
We moved on to discussing our pet hate which is seeing people still following the talking heads who were completely wrong about everything COVID, especially the jab pushers. We express our amazement at people’s willingness to be fobbed off with some nonsense excuses like “the science changed” and continue to listen.
Bob provides a brilliant insight that the Deep State needed “right wing” actors, sorry politicians, like Trump in place in 2020 in order to draw right-wing voters into mass vaccination. The Left would naturally follow state diktat and would happily submit, but having Trump in place ensured that a lot of MAGA patriots were suckered into mRNA.
In part 2 we talk about, how dissenters can club together to oppose the forces working against us and Bob makes a strong case that this really is a spiritual battle between good and evil.
The interview is long, but I genuinely think that every minute is packed with amazing insights, all illustrated with his amazing cartoons. Please try and make time to watch the whole way though and you won’t be disappointed. It will be posted in two parts on our Rumble channel, this first part will be up on 6th Dec 2024.
Bob also presents his fantastic coffee table book, which is a collection of his cartoons. The quality looks amazing, and I will definitely be buying some for Christmas (I am not being paid to say this).
Bob Moran - V3
Many thanks
I really enjoyed listening to both parts of this meeting of minds. I’m grateful that we have calm, critical thinkers like you on our side. I would say though that for people like me who have no one in our lives who shares our thoughts on everything that has gone on in the past 5 years, twitter has provided small communities of friends with whom we share so many things, albeit on a superficial level. Knowing there were others who shared my concerns back in 2020 was pivotal for me.
I also recommend Bob's book. High quality. Buy two & frame the cartoons from one book. Only joking, ideal gift for Guardian reading friends.